Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently interacted with the Kapoor family in Delhi ahead of Raj Kapoor's birth centenary. Even though many of the members of the Kapoor family, including Raj Kapoor's daughter Rima Jain, daughter-in-law Neetu Kapoor and his grandchildren were there at the meeting, the absence of Taimur and Jeh - the sons of Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan - was noticed by the Prime Minister.
Prime Minister said that he was looking forward to "meet the third generation".
Saif Ali Khan told PM Modi he is the first Prime Minister he has ever met.
"You are the first Prime Minister that I have met. Your energy is so good and you work so hard. I want to congratulate you on whatever you do. Thank you for opening your doors and for being accessible to us," he said.
PM Modi then said that he had met his father, Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, and was hoping to meet the next generation.
"I had met your father and I thought today I will get to meet the third generation as well. But you didn't bring them (par aap laye nahi)," the Prime Minister quipped.
Kareena Kapoor Khan, during the interaction, sought an autograph for Taimur and Jeh from PM Modi.
"We are deeply humbled and honoured to have been invited by the Honourable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, to commemorate the extraordinary life and legacy of our grandfather, the legendary Raj Kapoor. Thank you Shri Modi ji for such a special afternoon. Your warmth, attention, and support in celebrating this milestone meant the world to us," Kareena Kapoor expressed her gratitude for the special meeting.
The Prime Minister wrote a message for "Tim and Jeh" on a piece of paper.
The Kapoor family invited PM Modi for the Raj Kapoor Fim Festival which will showcase his 10 iconic films across 40 cities and 135 cinemas.
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